Liquidity is everywhere, but how are treasury teams investing cash? With yields at all-time lows, teams can anchor investment decisions using data, technology, and alternative products.
ICD continues to be the independent leader in providing corporate cash investors an unbiased, one-stop-shop for money market funds. They share data-driven insights, continuously add new investment products, and introduce value-added tools (including risk and compliance, research, and reporting) in response to client needs.
Join NeuGroup members and ICD for a Virtual Interactive Session on how corporate investors:
– PLUS –
Want to know where you stand with your treasury peers when it comes to ESG investing for money market funds and other short-term investments?
Take ICD’s 5-minute survey to find out. We’ll send you a $20 gift card of your choice and share the results with you during the session.
NeuGroup for Cash Investment 1 and 2 are two invitation-only groups of senior treasury professionals with responsibilities for treasury investment management at corporates with at least $2.5 billion in excess cash. The groups follow NeuGroup’s time-tested approach for membership peer groups, including facilitated agenda development, benchmarking surveys, and professional networking. Founded in 2004, they have since become the leading forum for peer knowledge exchange on cash investment practices at corporates with the largest cash portfolios.
Virtual interactive sessions (VIS) are meant for any interested participants across the NeuGroup network and approved non-NeuGroup members. They are usually one-off sessions on topics that interest the broader NeuGroup network and can develop into working groups to continue the conversation further. NeuGroup has conducted dozens of these sessions since their origination in response to Covid-19 in 2020.