This session will include representatives from the FDIC and BlackRock, which are developing a fund to make direct equity investments in and provide other support for mission-driven banks. The National Association of Investment Companies, which represents over 100 minority private equity and hedge funds, will also engage in discussion with the working group.
NeuGroup formed the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Working Group in 2020 as a result of requests from members and the multiple D&I discussions appearing in individual peer group meetings. These informal working sessions provide an opportunity for interested members to share experiences on common topics, document best practices and welcome outside experts to speak on current trends – including companies that are not yet NeuGroup members.
Working Groups sessions are meant for interested participants from across the NeuGroup network, and approved non-NeuGroup members. They are ad hoc cohorts that NeuGroup organizes when a critical “hot topic” has captured a wide range of members’ attention. Working Groups can meet just once, a handful of times, or become ongoing venues to discuss these cross-peer group issues. Recent examples include LIBOR transition, ESG, D&I, Treasury Management Systems and others. These groups often include both subject matter experts, as well as members just wishing to learn, with the possibility of splitting the groups for more detailed discussions.