Members will meet to discuss how they each develop their sets of assessment criteria which will be deployed across business units, corporate functions, and capital projects. They will also talk about how they are assessed in terms of impact and likelihood.
NeuGroup for Enterprise Risk Management is an invitation-only group of senior finance and risk executives at non-financial corporations who have direct oversight or are the champions of ERM and alternative risk-finance initiatives. The group follows NeuGroup’s time-tested approach for membership peer groups, including facilitated agenda development, benchmarking surveys, and professional networking. Founded in 2008, ERM is for corporates with full-fledged programs for enterprise risk management and who apply it to everyday planning activities.
Interim meetings are meant for members of the specified peer group. These meetings originated in response to Covid-19 to keep members connected virtually in between semi-annual peer group meetings. They have a headline topic or topics presented for discussion, followed by an open forum for additional peer sharing and learning on other items.