An overview of how Barclays supports clients with workflow automation and trade execution with its BASE platform. Session will include a member who will share how algo trading fits in with the automation efforts at his company.
This session will include:
Foreign Exchange Peer Group is an invitation-only group for senior treasury professionals from across industries who have responsibility for FX risk management. The group follows NeuGroup’s time-tested approach for membership peer groups, including facilitated agenda development, benchmarking surveys, and professional networking. It was founded in 2002 with the assistance of a Fortune 500 FX manager looking for a better benchmarking experience.
Interim meetings are meant for members of the specified peer group. These meetings originated in response to Covid-19 to keep members connected virtually in between semi-annual peer group meetings. They have a headline topic or topics presented for discussion, followed by an open forum for additional peer sharing and learning on other items.