Treasurers from NeuGroup member companies have had a significant impact on Diversity & Inclusion. Each individual action, to borrow from Apple CEO Tim Cook’s phrase, has been a pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change. With every “ripple in the pond” we can connect helps create a wave of change to make a material impact in the communities our companies serve and the initiatives they support.
Select members will receive invitations to join an exchange with several NeuGroup treasurers who have created their own significant ripples. They now want to empower other treasurers to be pebbles in the pond and make an even more significant contribution to Diversity & Inclusion via financing and investing activities initiated or supported by treasury.
This session will also recognize a member who is retiring after a unique and distinguished tenure as treasurer. Plus, spanning two decades, he has been a dedicated NeuGroup member and Tech20 founder. He has left a lasting ripple and we honor his legacy by becoming pebbles that will also become ripples for change.
This is a closed event for members of the Mega-Cap and Tech Treasurers groups only.
NeuGroup for Mega-Cap Treasurers is a leading forum for peer knowledge exchange on topical treasury issues for today’s strategically-minded practitioner. This invitation-only membership group brings together cross industry Treasurers’ from organizations with revenue of 100B+. tMega is limited in size to ensure familiarity, trust and frank interactive discussion.
Virtual interactive sessions (VIS) are meant for any interested participants accross the NeuGroup network and approved non-NeuGroup members. They are usually one-off sessions on topics that interests the broader NeuGroup network, and can develop into working groups to continue the conversation further. NeuGroup has conducted dozens of these sessions since their origination in response to Covid-19 in 2020.