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Make Connections Leading To Meaningful Exchanges And Invaluable Insight

Ways To Connect

NeuGroup aims to connect every finance professional who wants to share and learn. Here are four ways we can connect you:

Invite you to become a peer group member

As a finance practitioner, you can inquire about you and your team joining our existing peer groups that includes your (and their) professional cohorts) or with us to found a new one that best connects you (and them) with peers.

Inquire about membershipLEARN MORE

Invite you to sponsor a peer group

As someone serving finance practitioners, you may inquire about sponsoring an existing peer group, or one we launch together, for one or more meetings to connect, share and learn with our members, plus introduce key clients to a curated group of their peers to deepen their network and yours.

Inquire about sponsorshipLEARN MORE

Personal introduction

NeuGroup members and sponsor partners know the value of give to get and connecting with others who might help them better succeed via their knowledge, insight or ability as peers to predict successful outcomes. Tell us what projects and priorities you are working on now that you would like to learn more about to ensure success plus what you can share from what you have done well in the past. We will then introduce you to members or sponsor partners who we believe might help you or who you can help to earn a get back.

Schedule a P&P callLEARN MORE

Connect with our Insights

If you are not sure it’s the right time to connect directly, you can connect with our Insights. Insights distilled by NeuGroup will inform your own exchanges to make them more useful and lead to more meaningful connections driven by the deeper knowledge you exchange.

Subscribe to NeuGroup Insights, our email newsletter to receive them in your inbox or follow NeuGroup on LinkedIn (or join our LinkedIn group) or Twitter.

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Connect via Data

Share key data to help provide peer benchmarking and learn how you compare with peers. The results will drive insight and serve as the basis for personal introductions to peers.