Covid-19 crisis sharing and learning continues to ramp up in response to member needs.
Since March 10, when we converted our FX Managers’ Peer Group Summit (sponsored by Chatham Financial) to a Zoom meeting, NeuGroup has conducted eight virtual meetings on Zoom—some pre-planned and others scheduled in response to the severe nature of the COVID-19 crisis—with members of these groups:
- FX Managers’ Peer Groups 1 & 2
- Women in NeuGroup
- Treasurers’ Group of Mega-Caps
- Life Sciences Treasurers’ Peer Group
- Treasurers’ Group of Thirty
- Tech20 High-Growth Treasurers’ Peer Group
- Global Cash and Banking Group
- Assistant Treasurers’ Leadership Group
That isn’t counting our Assistant Treasurers’ Group of Thirty meeting, sponsored by Societe Generale, taking place on Zoom this Tuesday and Wednesday. More are on the way. Members started asking to get together to check in with their peers, so we have just started putting virtual meetings on the calendar without waiting to be asked.
We believe it is important to be a first responder in these circumstances to both connect people to exchange knowledge and distill insight to help everyone get through this as successfully as possible. For the treasury and finance community, NeuGroup is here for you.
We are sharing and learning to get insight from our members and our sponsor partners. For example, we contributed to an excellent COVID-19 Corporate Checklist that Tom Joyce and his capital markets strategy team at Deutsche Bank put together (if you are not on their routing list, please reach out).
We are also inviting our sponsor partners to join opening portions of member crisis meetings in the spirit of open exchange; C2FO joined one on Monday. All who work with us are being invited to join in this effort, which includes bringing clients to join as digital NeuGroup members. (Please contact us if you would like to ask about joining as a digital member yourself, or want to refer someone to help them get through this crisis). The next step is to bring in NeuGroup alumni, some of whom already serve as contracted facilitators.
Developments are fast moving, so the real value is being connected to exchange knowledge and insight in the moment. We had members participating both before and after special board meeting sessions last week, for example.
Visit NeuGroup Insights to sign up for insights on the crisis from what we share and learn from all our exchanges.