NeuGroup News
April 25, 2024

NeuGroup for Global Cash and Banking Meets at Comcast Technology Center

Step into the forefront of cash management at NeuGroup for Global Cash and Banking's first in-person meeting of the year, sponsored by ION Treasury.Don't miss your chance to gain invaluable insights on treasury technology, electronic bank account management, cybersecurity and more at the meeting, which will be held May 7 - 8 at the Comcast Technology Center in Philadelphia.If you are interested in joining NeuGroup for Global Cash and Banking, please contact Julie Zawacki-Lucci, CTP to learn more.
Cyber riskRisk ManagementTreasury Management
May 7, 2020

Cyberattacks: Post-Pandemic May Be Worse Than the Lockdown

Best practices pre-pandemic have become even more important as the economy reopens. A top treasury concern for years, cyberattacks ramped up following the sudden transition to the work-from-home regimen prompted by the pandemic. They’ll likely ramp up even further when the economy begins opening up.  That was among the takeaways from a session on cybersecurity at a recent virtual NeuGroup meeting headed by Jenny Menna, deputy chief information security officer at U.S. Bank, and Chris Moschovitis, CEO of technology consultancy tmg-emedia.…
Risk ManagementTechnology
February 6, 2020

Tales from the Cyber Crypt

Assistant treasurers exchange recent scary cyber tales of success and failure. In a breakout session at NeuGroup’s Assistant Treasurers’ Leadership Group focusing on securing companies from cyberattacks, members recounted recent experiences and the conundrums they face combating them. Digital protection, à la carte. NeuGroup’s own Scott Flieger, director of peer groups, said a fellow member of a college board who runs a cybersecurity advisory firm recommends companies make a menu of their digital assets, from bank accounts onward, and seek…