May 17, 2021

Analyzing Opportunities for Cash Investments

About this meeting Liquidity is everywhere, but how are treasury teams investing cash? With yields at all-time lows, teams can anchor investment decisions using data, technology, and alternative products. ICD continues to be the independent leader in providing corporate cash investors an unbiased, one-stop-shop for money market funds. They share data-driven insights, continuously add new investment products, and introduce value-added tools (including risk and compliance, research, and reporting) in response to client needs. Join NeuGroup members and ICD for a…
April 26, 2021

ESG: Disclosures, ESG Working Group member-only Sustainability Discussion

About this meeting Last month, members got an update from partner SocGen on current industry trends and the differences between the current environment in Europe and the U.S. This month, members will share personal experiences and approaches, including more experienced companies kicking off the discussion sharing their learnings. About this Peer Group NeuGroup formed the ESG Working Group in 2020 as a result of requests from members and the multiple ESG discussions appearing in individual peer group meetings. These more…
Capital MarketsESG
April 22, 2021

A Virtuous Cycle Including Treasury Bolsters Sustainability Efforts

Building a framework sets the stage for green bonds—an umbrella to systematize initiatives. Increased scrutiny of corporate sustainability efforts by investors and other stakeholders has made it essential for companies to place ESG initiatives into a clear framework.   Building the framework to coordinate decisions and address investor inquiries more effectively requires communication among key parts of the company, with treasury playing a critical role.These were among the takeaways from a recent meeting of NeuGroup for Capital Markets sponsored by Wells Fargo…
NeuGroup News
September 3, 2020

NeuGroup Members Discuss Managing ESG Teams at Cross-Group Virtual Interactive Session

Key players in Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance share insights in a members-only conversation. In our third Virtual Interactive Session in August (see also here and here), NeuGroup members from across our network met to discuss their various approaches and focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. This VIS covered the gamut of ESG screens on investment opportunities to debt issuance and company ratings for corporate treasury departments, along with investor relations, corporate communications and sustainability offices and their…
COVID-19ESGInvestment Management
June 2, 2020

Financing the Fight Against COVID-19: Sustainability Bond Deals

Corporates and banks fuel gains in social and sustainability bond issuance amid the battle against the coronavirus. The coronavirus pandemic may have dampened green bond issuance in the first quarter of 2020, but it has also pushed some corporates to use proceeds from sustainability bond offerings to help fight the virus. Case in point: Pfizer. Heather Lang, executive director of sustainable finance solutions at ESG ratings firm Sustainalytics—which is being acquired by Morningstar—named Pfizer as one of the institutions using proceeds…
NeuGroup Federated Hermes ESG Webinar
NeuGroup News
May 18, 2020

Federated Hermes and NeuGroup Partner on ESG Webinar

At a time when extreme volatility and lack of visibility grip the markets, the value of understanding a firm’s fundamental quality has become increasingly apparent. That is why now, environmental, social and governance (ESG) scoring is more important than ever for evaluating companies. NeuGroup is pleased to have Federated Hermes present their unique approach as an active investor to: use ESG to analyze firm fundamentals, strategy and financing plans; assess risk and opportunity looking forward and long-term; plus, engage and…
Capital MarketsTreasury Management
January 14, 2020

Love It or Hate It, ESG Is a Key Theme for 2020

Founder’s Edition, by Joseph Neu Reasons you can’t afford to leave ESG off your priority list. ESG and related themes of sustainability and green finance are polarizing. Nearly everyone sits on a spectrum where one end thinks it’s all a bunch of hooey and the other argues it’s the key driver of finance for the next decade. Personally, I feel conflicted—one reason ESG didn’t make my initial list of key 2020 issues. Mixed feelings aside, I’m convinced the decade ahead…
December 22, 2019

Corporates Need to Be More ESG Ready

Survey says execs must be prepared to address ESG issues with investors Environmental, social, governance (ESG) issues remain on the backburner for most US corporations, but a survey of more than 600 institutional investors worldwide suggests they should move closer to the front for issuers looking to investors overseas, and perhaps soon domestically. The issue of ESG arises regularly at NeuGroup meetings of corporate treasury executives. A minority of members’ companies are aggressively seeking to implement elements of ESG, but…