Cyber riskInsuranceRisk Management
February 9, 2023

Ray of Hope: Cyber Catastrophe Bonds May Boost Insurer Capacity

The first cyber cat bond could spell some relief for corporates navigating a hard market for cyber insurance. Corporate treasurers and risk managers whose companies face ever-increasing cyber risk may soon have a new tool to discuss with brokers and insurers as they build insurance towers and navigate the hard, capacity-strained market for cyber coverage: catastrophe bonds. Last month, U.K. insurer Beazley sold $45 million in cyber cat bonds, the first deal of its kind—following more than a decade of discussion about…
February 18, 2020

For Property & Casualty: Look Past the First Tier

If you’re not getting the premium reductions your’e looking for, shop around and check out low-cost brokers. When thinking about top-tier insurance brokers for corporates the usual suspects come to mind: Hub International, Marsh & McLennan Cos., Willis Towers Watson, Aon PLC and the like. But after a quick look beyond that upper slot, one comes across unfamiliar names. Take for instance a broker called Oswald Companies. Not a well-recognized insurance broker among treasurers attending a recent NeuGroup meeting, the…
InsuranceTreasury ManagementUncategorized
January 9, 2020

Rising Insurance Premiums Inflict Pain, Require Pushback

D&O prices spike as insurers respond to a surge in claims following a Supreme Court decision. Rising insurance premiums had treasurers and assistant treasurers at a recent NeuGroup meeting using plenty of colorful language to describe the current market for coverage and the pain some carriers have caused with their initial pricing proposals. Among the tamer comments, one member said the directors and officers (D&O) market is the “ugliest in years” and that “a lot of frustration” erupted in her…