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Member question: “We are assessing the risk of losing the insurance that is currently applied to our receivables that were outstanding at the time of the conflict as they are still outstanding.
- “Our specific interest is in any actions that your team perceives that, if taken, could give the insurance company the ability to cancel the insurance that is being applied to pre-conflict outstanding receivables.”
Peer answer 1: “We have credit insurance covering our receivable account. It is split between Credendo and Atradius. The insurance providers are squeezing coverage and lowering limits; however, we still have it.”
Peer answer 2: “We are shipping parts to Ukraine; however, the value of the shipments is below the deductible from our provider of credit insurance. We have informed them as a matter of courtesy, and they have confirmed that they will continue to provide coverage; however there are some pre-conditions.”
Peer answer 3: “We have credit insurance covering local and cross-border third-party sales into Russia. Our risk management team manages credit insurance.”
NeuGroup Insights reached out to Aon and Willis Towers Watson, which help companies buy insurance and advise them on risk management. A Willis Towers Watson executive said for coverage of shipments made to Russia before the conflict, an insurer would generally only be able to cancel a policy if the premium had not been paid or because of fraud or misrepresentation by the buyer.
- He added, “I’m surprised that others are stating that they continue to have coverage; we aren’t seeing that in the market. There will be no new coverage moving forward. In order to protect the coverage in place for the outstanding shipments, the policyholder will need to perform their duties under the policy and the best way to do that is consistent communication between the broker and the insurer, followed by documentation of a call, to ensure they are taking the right steps.”
An Aon executive who consulted with colleagues wrote, “We have not heard any negative news about monies in process (claim settlements, audits, return premiums) that have been held up or canceled due to the conflict.” Also:
- “Capacities got reduced as well as scope of coverage driven by an increased amount of companies choosing prepay options.
- “Traditional markets (Hermes, Atradius, Credendo, Coface) no longer offer capacities for new business.
- “Russian local markets (SOGAZ, Sberbank and Soglasie) offer capacities but their financial security cannot be assessed at this point. All companies have been removed from the market security list. Some of them are under sanctions.
- “It is estimated higher losses are what to expect in coming months/year. But it is still difficult to say as the trade activity may go down too.”