Setting up an in-house bank has been a strategic topic on the agenda of corporate treasurers for some time now and indeed, many companies have established in-house banks.
The benefits of an in-house bank include immediate and automated access to funds, real-time visibility, very high security standards and cost efficiency. In Europe, corporate treasurers can benefit from both a regulatory environment and innovative solutions that will support the creation of an in-house bank. UniCredit will present a modular approach that can be the winning formula to the creation of an in-house bank.
NeuGroup for European Treasury is an invitiation-only group of treasurers and treasury operations directors overseeing treasury in Europe. The group follows NeuGroup’s time-tested approach for membership peer groups, including facilitated agenda development, benchmarking surveys, and professional networking.
Interim meetings are meant for members of the specified peer group. These meetings originated in response to Covid-19 to keep members connected virtually in between semi-annual peer group meetings. They have a headline topic or topics presented for discussion, followed by an open forum for additional peer sharing and learning on other items.