Discover how an academic think tank has developed indicators using State Street’s proprietary data. Discuss how to apply these objective data sets and indicators to formulate market views and dynamic strategies critical to an FX hedging policy to manage balance sheet or income statement exposure.
State Street Speakers
Foreign Exchange Peer Group is an invitation-only group for senior treasury professionals from across industries who have responsibility for FX risk management. The group follows NeuGroup’s time-tested approach for membership peer groups, including facilitated agenda development, benchmarking surveys, and professional networking. It was founded in 2002 with the assistance of a Fortune 500 FX manager looking for a better benchmarking experience.
Virtual interactive sessions (VIS) are meant for any interested participants accross the NeuGroup network and approved non-NeuGroup members. They are usually one-off sessions on topics that interests the broader NeuGroup network, and can develop into working groups to continue the conversation further. NeuGroup has conducted dozens of these sessions since their origination in response to Covid-19 in 2020.