NeuGroup has developed strong relationships with multiple companies that are at the vanguard of fast-evolving diversity and inclusion initiatives. Cat Berman and Annie Seelaus have been part of several NeuGroup events and have put together a four-part series for the D&I Working Group, WING initiative, and this HiPo Peer Group.
For this HiPo session: It can be challenging to drive forward new projects and agendas within large organizations. For many of us working in or around Treasury the value of diversity and inclusion is clear, but we do not always feel empowered to drive forth real change. Join hosts Annie Seelaus and Cat Berman as they lead a conversation around how to successfully use your voice, position, and strategic tactics to advance areas that make a difference in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Cat and Annie are inviting corporate clients from Microsoft and Google to share their experiences.
While Cat and Annie lead women-founded and owned firms, they are planning sessions that address topics across the D&I landscape, potentially including case studies of successful (and not successful) D&I corporate initiatives, financial equity, and transparency and authenticity.
NeuGroup for High Potentials is in pilot mode and has garnered significant attention from members. The goal of the group, which began meeting regularly in 2020, is to give developing treasury professionals exposure to the peer group experience and help them build a tight personal network of peers that can span their careers. This group contains a wide variety of levels of experience and specialty, but they all share the trait of being promising treasury staff just below the level that typically get to attend NeuGroup meetings. Nominated members should expect high interaction with peers using real-time tools for collaboration.
Interim meetings are meant for members of the specified peer group. These meetings originated in response to Covid-19 to keep members connected virtually in between semi-annual peer group meetings. They have a headline topic or topics presented for discussion, followed by an open forum for additional peer sharing and learning on other items.