
NeuGroup for Commodities Finance Professionals. Subject Matter Experts. Leaders.

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    NeuGroup for Commodities targets treasury and procurement professionals responsible for managing their companies’ exposure to price fluctuations in commodities. Topics discussed include establishing risk management programs, products used to hedge risk, and accounting issues which arise as a result of this activity.

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    Peer-Validated Insights Distilled by NeuGroup

    Be well informed, and access most talked and relevant insights. Read More

    The Value of In-Person Knowledge Exchange

    Reconnecting Face to Face While virtual meetings are fantastic and will continue to have their place on our knowledge exchange platform, the in-person format continues to foster a much higher level of personal connections that are essential to sharing and learning with and from peers.

    Let's Share and Learn Together

    The NeuGroup's Strategic Finance Lab

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod, libero ut molestie convallis, arcu magna faucibus velit, vitae dictum quam turpis sit amet ligula. Learn more

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