Event Calendar

Welcome to the master calendar of upcoming NeuGroup sessions! While some sessions are only open to members of that specific peer group, many are open to broader audiences. Please click on any individual event you are interested in learning more about and a NeuGroup leader will be in touch.

Reintroduction to the Structured Credit Markets

Interim Meeting

Our guest sponsor, DWS, will join the first half-hour of this interim meeting to provide their perspective on this asset class and help members weigh what may be best for their organizations in the current investment environment.

Going to Bat for Technology Improvements

Interim Meeting

For the first half hour of this monthly meeting of the Global Cash peer group, a guest speaker from FinLync offers pointers for making a business case for a new system and pitching a new technology strategy to the treasurer and CFO.

Capital Markets Monthly Interim Meeting

Interim Meeting

Members will discuss the key takeaways from the H2 meetings and what action steps should be taken to further member connections on topics of interest.

Large-Cap Treasurers and corporate development

Interim Meeting

How do treasurers interact with their corporate development colleagues and what 'best practices' can members share with each other? Join us to find out! 

LIBOR Transition and the Credit Adjustment Spread

Interim Meeting

With less than two months left in 2021, members will discuss how they are preparing for the 'new normal' when LIBOR will no longer be used on 'new' instruments.

Corporate ERM October 2021 IM

Interim Meeting

The Corporate ERM group will meet for its October Interim Meeting to discuss processes by which they collect data on risk. Who provides? What methods are used?

Risk Framework Member Discussion

Interim Meeting

The Corporate ERM group will meet for its October Interim Meeting to discuss processes by which they collect data on risk. Who provides? What methods are used?