Event Calendar

Welcome to the master calendar of upcoming NeuGroup sessions! While some sessions are only open to members of that specific peer group, many are open to broader audiences. Please click on any individual event you are interested in learning more about and a NeuGroup leader will be in touch.

Regional Banking Treasurers CECL Update

Interim Meeting

With CECL now coming up on its one year anniversary, how has its implementation gone? What has worked well and what still concerns members?

Making Your Money Matter with J.P. Morgan

Virtual Interactive Session

Facing a multitude of headwinds and a gloomy rate environment, the quest to uncover opportunities to enhance yield is an ongoing struggle for cash investors. Layered with the desire to invest in meaningful causes such as ESG and D&I initiatives, treasurers embrace opportunities while tackling challenges to make their firm’s money ‘matter’ in more innovative ways than traditional revenue streams.