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Bank Account Rationalization: Taking a Page from Marie Kondo

By November 7, 2019December 20th, 2019No Comments

One member’s approach to reviewing accounts, purging the inessential and optimizing.

A photo of a smiling Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, helped set a positive tone for one member’s presentation on the thorny task of bank account rationalization. 

  • The treasury operations team’s embrace of purging clutter and keeping only what’s essential was fueled less by the desire to spark joy than the imminent, mundane chore of moving offices. That meant buckling down and weeding through each and every physical folder for every single bank account. 

Inventory overload. Taking inventory of bank accounts is an onerous task to say the least. In a quick poll of meeting attendees, about 95% of members have over 500 accounts, and only a handful have a formal bank account rationalization process. It is important to remember that a recently closed account can be just as important as an open one for audit and FBAR purposes.

  • Inventory checklists should evaluate the accounts’ ties to the overarching bank relationship, products and services, portal(s), and business/accounting purpose, usage and signers. 
  • To keep or not to keep, that is the question. With all the aforementioned information the question of “what do we do?” becomes easier to answer. The inventory process helps you discover accounts you may have overlooked and products and services you don’t use or aren’t using enough. And that drives decisions to help you achieve account optimization, improving efficiency.  

Leaner and nimbler. Starting with large amounts of bank account paperwork, the presenting company digitized bank account files for all open accounts and two years of previously closed accounts. Then it established an ongoing plan for maintenance as well as one designed for facing M&A integration projects. While recognizing that “no two integrations will be the same,” the focus is on keeping bank relationships but consolidating accounts wherever possible. 


  • Reduce administrative work, KYC, audit requests, online administration, account maintenance
  • Increase liquidity: concentrate cash balance, enhance and maximize yield on investable cash   


  • Time consuming up-front work
  •  Easy to accidentally overlook some bank products and services (example: letters of credit)

Cast a wide net and target end-goals. Involving all internal stakeholders such as tax, legal and payment operations allowed for transparency, educated account closures and keeping purpose-specific open accounts. The presenter advised other members that when tackling account rationalization in an M&A integration, the game plan should be established and clearly communicated, while being sensitive to human relations (i.e.: what is happening on the other side of the integration equation). 

Don’t forget where you came from. Unfortunately, bank account rationalization isn’t a one-and-done project. The presenter stressed that establishing timelines, setting milestone objectives and scheduling ongoing maintenance of the process is necessary for continued success. 

Jacob Bromsey

Author Jacob Bromsey

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