NeuGroup News
September 3, 2020

NeuGroup Members Discuss Managing ESG Teams at Cross-Group Virtual Interactive Session

Key players in Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance share insights in a members-only conversation. In our third Virtual Interactive Session in August (see also here and here), NeuGroup members from across our network met to discuss their various approaches and focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. This VIS covered the gamut of ESG screens on investment opportunities to debt issuance and company ratings for corporate treasury departments, along with investor relations, corporate communications and sustainability offices and their…
Capital MarketsTreasury Management
May 28, 2020

How Corporates Tapping Capital Markets Use Minority and Diversity Firms

NeuGroup members discuss benefits, challenges and process as treasury promotes diversity and inclusion.  Many treasury teams at multinational corporations strive to include firms owned by women, people of color and disabled veterans when selling debt, buying back stock or issuing commercial paper. At a recent NeuGroup meeting focusing on capital markets, members shared their insights on the process of including minority and diversity firms in various transactions.Formalize the process. The member who kicked off the discussion described her company’s path…