Cash management
NeuGroup News
September 3, 2020

C2FO Helps to Bring Lessons on Working Capital to NeuGroup Virtual Interactive Session

NeuGroup Members met to share and learn from their working capital management experiences dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic. NeuGroup continued its popular Virtual Interactive Sessions in August, kicked off by one on August 19 sponsored by C2FO. It brought treasurers together to discuss some of the key lessons on working capital management that the pandemic has revealed. Jordan Novak, Senior Vice President of Market Innovation at C2FO, opened with remarks on COVID-19’s wide-reaching impact. “It has impacted every single person…
NeuGroup NewsUncategorized
September 3, 2020

Corporate Pension Fund Managers Break Down the Difficulties and Benefits of Rebalancing Their Portfolios in Virtual Interactive Session

At a recent NeuGroup for Pension and Benefits VIS sponsored by BNY Mellon/Insight Investment, members discussed the ups and downs of management over the last few months. Members have experienced many layers of challenges due to the economic and market impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and those with pension plans were not immune. Moreover, the pension investment portfolios did not behave as anticipated in this crisis, making rebalancing even more of an issue than normal. Moderators from NeuGroup and Insight…
NeuGroup News
September 3, 2020

NeuGroup Members Discuss Managing ESG Teams at Cross-Group Virtual Interactive Session

Key players in Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance share insights in a members-only conversation. In our third Virtual Interactive Session in August (see also here and here), NeuGroup members from across our network met to discuss their various approaches and focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. This VIS covered the gamut of ESG screens on investment opportunities to debt issuance and company ratings for corporate treasury departments, along with investor relations, corporate communications and sustainability offices and their…
Treasury Management
July 21, 2020

Keeping That Resilient Posture Post-Pandemic

Having the resilience to survive the pandemic needs to extend into staying that way as the pandemic abates (whenever that is).One imperative that has informed the operations of most corporates during the pandemic is business resiliency. Through the stress of potential liquidity crunches, supply-chain disruptions and work from home pressures, companies have bobbed and weaved their way with great resiliency. But what about once the pandemic is over? What will BAU, “business as usual,” be like after the COVID-19 pandemic…
BankingInvestment Management
July 21, 2020

Managing Bank Balance Sheets in a Low Yield Environment

NeuGroup BankTPG members hear ways to manage their balance sheets amid low interest rates (that may remain low a long time).The Federal Reserve announced in early June that it would keep its benchmark interest rate near zero through 2022. While this might be good for borrowers, what does it mean for lenders? And are negative rates possible?The first question has many answers, as members of NeuGroup’s Bank Treasurers’ Peer Group (BankTPG) heard at the 16th annual meeting. There were several…
Treasury Management
July 7, 2020

Managing the Team Through WFH Takes Effort

Powering an effective team through tough times – snacks and all.For all the talk about how well NeuGroup peer group members and their teams have navigated the pandemic – quarter closes, bond issuances, insurance renewals, revolver negotiations, even hostile takeover attempts – there is a nagging feeling that “this can’t go on forever” without more problems manifesting themselves in some way. After almost four months of a near complete “work from home” or WFH regime, it will still be a while…
Investment ManagementPension and Benefits
July 7, 2020

Do Pensions Need to Bolster Post-Retirement Resources?

Pension managers could be doing a better job of guiding retirees with their post-work pension planning.For decades, defined contribution (DC) retirement plans have helped address the needs of individuals leading up to retirement. However, plan sponsors have made little progress in addressing individuals’ needs during retirement itself, according to Insight Investment, a sponsor of the NeuGroup for Pension and Benefits’ recent meeting. Retirement anxiety. There is a lot of unease for employees on the verge of retiring, as they worry about funding their non-working lives. It…
Risk ManagementTreasury Management
June 25, 2020

What the Experiment With Modern Monetary Theory Means for Risk Managers

Treasury and finance teams need to adapt to the reality of different thinking about debt and deficits. By Joseph Neu“We’re not even thinking about thinking about raising rates,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said after the Federal Open Market Committee’s June meeting. This was good timing for me: On the same day, I suggested to clients of Chatham Financial attending a virtual summit that among the accelerating trends treasury and financial risk managers need to prepare for is the current flirtation with…
Libor SOFRTreasury Management
June 25, 2020

Transition to SOFR Pushing Ahead Despite Pandemic

The pandemic and its aftermath forced bank treasurers to move the Libor-to-SOFR transition to the back burner; but make no mistake, it is still very much still on the stove.With apologies to the real estate industry, there were three critical issues that mattered to bank treasurers before the pandemic: 1) Libor to SOFR transition, 2) Libor to SOFR transition and 3) Libor to SOFR transition. But now, given COVID-19’s damaging impact on world economies, banks have been presented with new…
Cash & Working CapitalRisk ManagementTreasury Management
June 25, 2020

March Madness: Searching for Answers on Cash Flow and Credit

Data from Clearwater underscores the concerns of treasury investment managers reducing risk during the pandemic. If you needed any more proof that the pandemic has made treasury investment managers even more attuned to the risks in their portfolios, check out the table below from Clearwater Analytics, which sponsored a NeuGroup meeting this week on market trends and improving balance sheet management.  Cash flow and credit. It may not be surprising, but relative to other searches, the sheer number of views in…