NeuGroup News
July 7, 2021

NeuGroup Virtual Meetings: A High Standard

Well over a year into virtual meetings, our peer group leaders share the knowledge they’ve gained along the way. In the last 18 months, NeuGroup has evolved from a company that only facilitates semiannual, in-person meetings to a network for corporate treasury and finance professionals to regularly connect, share and learn, online as well as (hopefully soon) in-person. Earlier this year, we looked back at how NeuGroup’s events planning staff expertly pivoted to virtual meetings. Now, Peer Group Leaders Anne…
July 1, 2021

Rolling Forecasts by FP&A Gain Ground in Pandemic Despite Obstacles

The pandemic and rapid recovery underscore the benefits of more frequent forecasts by FP&A, but transitions can be messy. At a recent NeuGroup meeting for heads of FP&A teams co-sponsored by fintech OneStream Software, more than half of members surveyed said they are updating their forecasts more frequently—some using rolling forecasts—a practice prompted by the pandemic and continuing because of the rapid economic rebound. Instead of updating the standard 12-month forecast yearly, more teams now continuously update throughout the year. Most…
FXRegionalRisk Management
July 1, 2021

The Option to Use Options: Hedging FX Risk in Emerging Markets

FX risk managers rely on flexibility at a multinational that wants to participate in beneficial currency moves. The ability to use options is essential for an FX risk manager at one NeuGroup member whose company wants to participate in favorable currency moves when hedging exposures in emerging markets. He described the company’s approach at a spring meeting sponsored by HSBC. The bank cited research showing that “the incentive to hedge EM risk has increased over the past 10 years” and “bouts…
CryptoRisk Management
July 1, 2021

In Creeps Crypto

While most companies aren’t directly involved in crypto yet, members expect questions and are looking for answers. In a twist providing insight into an increasingly important issue, assistant treasurers at a recent NeuGroup meeting pointed to a discussion about cryptocurrencies as one of their takeaways while saying digital currencies have not yet had an impact on their treasury departments.   Members of NeuGroup for Large-Cap Assistant Treasurers agreed that corporate higher-ups would almost certainly inquire soon about digital currencies and assets—one…
June 24, 2021

China and Beyond: Understanding Central Bank Digital Currencies

Insights from HSBC on CBDCs, as China’s tests of a government-backed digital currency, dubbed e-CNY, grow larger.Most multinationals in the NeuGroup Network do business in China, just one reason finance teams need to stay on top of the country’s expanding tests of a digital version of the yuan known as the e-CNY, a so-called central bank digital currency or CBDC. HSBC’s global head of FX research, Paul Mackel, spoke at a NeuGroup virtual interactive session sponsored by the bank this…
COVID-19Treasury Management
June 24, 2021

Hot Desks, Hybrids and Introverts: Managing Post-Pandemic Work 

Takeaways on talent management as 100% remote work gives way to hybrid models and new hiring challenges.The transition from completely remote work to whatever comes next—back to the office, work at home, a bit of both—is in full swing across companies in the NeuGroup Network. The topic is generating lots of interest at meetings as finance teams plot a course for post-pandemic work that will in many cases be unlike what work life resembled pre-pandemic.NeuGroup founder and CEO Joseph Neu…
June 24, 2021

Early Innings in the Fintech Disruption Game

A partner at VC firm Canapi Ventures says regional banks can play by helping developing the digital infrastructure. Blockchain-technology firms may be among the best-known disruptors of traditional banking services, thanks in part to the extreme volatility of the cryptocurrencies the technology supports, like Bitcoin. But fintechs take many forms, and the real disruption is still to come. That takeaway surfaced at a recent NeuGroup meeting of bank treasurers that included insights from Jeffrey Reitman, a partner at Canapi Ventures, which…
FXTalking Shop
June 24, 2021

Talking Shop: Allocating Transaction FX Impacts

Editor’s note: NeuGroup’s online communities provide members a forum to pose questions and give answers. Talking Shop shares valuable insights from these exchanges, anonymously. Send us your responses: [email protected]. Member question: “As it relates to the reporting of transaction FX impacts (revaluation of non-functional currency monetary assets and liabilities—cash, AR, AP, etc.), does your company allocate these impacts to the business or is that impact kept at corporate?”Peer answer: “We’ve discussed this a lot recently. Historically, the FX gain/loss is kept…
NeuGroup News
June 17, 2021

Celebrating Juneteenth, Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Juneteenth is a day to commemorate and celebrate the emancipation of enslaved individuals in the United States after the Civil War. It has taken on additional meaning for many Americans in the wake of the social unrest following the murder of George Floyd, as the nation reckons with social injustice and a historical lack of respect for Black lives. NeuGroup and a growing list of companies now recognize Juneteenth (June 19) as a holiday, and Congress is poised to make…
CryptoInvestment ManagementTechnology
June 17, 2021

All Aboard? The Crypto Train Has Left the Station

Finance teams need to look beyond Bitcoin to broader opportunities offered by blockchain technology and digital assets. Don’t let all noise blaring from bitcoin drown out the broader implications of blockchain technology and the need for finance teams to understand the potential opportunities offered by cryptocurrency and other digital assets including tokenized securities. That bottom-line takeaway emerged at a recent meeting of NeuGroup for Cash Investment 2 sponsored by State Street, where representatives from Deloitte as well as cryptocurrency fintechs Lukka…