ComplianceRisk ManagementTechnology
December 10, 2020

How to Engineer Complicated Engineering Audits

Recruiting engineers to join audit teams bolsters accuracy as well as credibility.Highly technical engineering audits can be among the most challenging for internal auditors. A member of NeuGroup’s Internal Auditors’ Peer Group (IAPG) queried fellow internal auditors in a recent meeting about what parts of engineering they audit and the makeup of those auditing teams. Expertise in short supply. A peer said engineering takes up more than 30% of his team’s 100-audit plan, and one of the challenges is finding sufficient…
FXRisk ManagementTalking Shop
December 10, 2020

Talking Shop: What Did Your Transition Plan to Hedge Accounting Look Like?

Member question: “What did your transition plan to hedge accounting look like? “We are planning to adopt hedge accounting in the future. In terms of transitioning a book of hedges to designated hedges, we will close all existing undesignated hedges and put on a new book that is designated at inception.“We are curious how others have put on these new hedges. How long did you take to put on hedges? Did you trade all at once, daily, weekly, etc.? Also,…
December 10, 2020

Asia Tech Companies Optimistic for Post-Covid Growth

Key takeaways from the AsiaTech20 Treasurers’ Peer Group pilot meeting sponsored by MUFG.By Joseph NeuBe prepared for global optimism. The global economic outlook is overwhelmingly positive with Covid-19 vaccines nearing distribution. Plus, a new administration in the US brings an expectation for economic growth to take on a more global scope, with Asia expected to outperform. For this reason, tech treasurers in Asia have also pivoted from enduring the crisis through stockpiling capital and liquidity to preparing to go on…
NeuGroup News
December 9, 2020

NeuGroup Members Utilize Digital Communication Apps to Fight Covid Woes

Team collaboration apps allow NeuGroup members to safely share and learn from a distance during the pandemic. Most forward-looking treasury professionals (like our NeuGroup members) have been using web-based team communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams and others for years. But the onset of Covid has expanded their use within corporate suites—and these days dining room tables—creating a unique test laboratory to explore how they might be incorporated even more into daily use. In addition to Slack and Teams, NeuGroup…
Libor SOFRTechnology
December 8, 2020

The Voyage to SOFR: TMS Headwinds for Some, Tailwinds for Others

Corporates weigh vendor readiness, the time and expense of updates and devise workarounds amid Libor transition.Corporate treasurers trying to prepare for the transition from Libor to new indices like SOFR and other alternative interest rates are assessing the readiness of their TMS vendors. Many need to decide whether to spend the time and money necessary to upgrade systems or rely on third parties or devise their own solutions instead. While a proposed extension for legacy Libor contracts may provide some…
FXRisk ManagementTechnology
December 8, 2020

An Early Warning System to Flag Excessive Counterparty Credit Risk

One corporate’s proactive approach to measuring and managing FX and other counterparty exposures.Using credit ratings from S&P, Moody’s and Fitch is one way corporates establish maximum credit limits with counterparties. But at a meeting of FX risk managers sponsored by Wells Fargo this fall, one company described some shortcomings of that “classic approach” and explained an alternate method that enables it to take action before exposures reach unacceptable levels.Proactive vs. reactive The company’s director of liquidity and investment management said…
InsuranceRisk Management
December 8, 2020

Rethinking Risk: Who Needs Insurance When You Have ERM?

Relying on ERM instead of insurance is probably extreme, but robust risk management might reduce premiums. Have surging insurance premiums got you down? One answer to controlling these costs could be to resurrect your enterprise risk management program or bolster an existing one. This was one takeaway from NeuGroup’s H2 Treasurers’ Group of Thirty (T30) meeting, where one member said his company was unwilling to pay increases in premiums that in some cases have more than doubled. As has been well-documented…
Capital MarketsTechnologyTreasury Management
December 8, 2020

Strengthening Treasury’s Capabilities by Developing Internal Talent

Key takeaways from the Treasurers’ Group of Thirty 2020 H2 meeting, sponsored by Standard Chartered.By Joseph NeuMove up the treasury learning curve. This group has a disproportionate number of treasurers who are new to their role. Several come from the tax side and a few were brought in to build or expand their company’s treasury capabilities. All are moving quickly up the learning curve and helping their bosses appreciate the importance of strategic treasury capabilities. Covid-19 has helped make their…
ESGRisk Management
December 3, 2020

Verifying Virtue: Who’s Checking on Those ESG Promises?

Assuring ESG numbers is coming, but for now internal audit is stepping lightly.Members of NeuGroup’s Internal Auditors’ Peer Group (IAPG) agreed that their companies’ environmental, social and governance efforts (ESG) often felt like marketing campaigns. Internal audit (IA) has so far provided little assurance regarding the validity of reported ESG numbers, but that likely is about to change. One member said his technology company’s investor relations team had for the first time reported out ESG numbers according to frameworks established…
InsuranceRisk Management
December 3, 2020

Softening the Blow of Rising Insurance Rates With Differentiation

Risk managers at life sciences companies hear analysis, share pain, discuss options. Virtually no company is immune to the ongoing pain meted out by rising insurance premiums in the wake of the pandemic. But one way to soften the blow, when possible, is differentiating yourself from the pack. That takeaway and others emerged this week at a NeuGroup meeting for life sciences treasurers featuring an update on property insurance and directors and officers (D&O) coverage by Brad Zechman, an account executive…