Capital MarketsD&I
May 29, 2024

Bonding With Diverse-Owned Firms: Debt Deals and Stock Buybacks

A NeuGroup survey report highlights capital markets transactions where diverse-owned firms are most active. A surge in investment-grade corporate bond deals this year is good news for Wall Street underwriters—including firms whose owners are Black, Hispanic, women and veterans. A new NeuGroup Peer Research report shows that bond underwriting ranks first among the types of capital markets transactions where corporations engage with these diverse-owned firms, with 62% of respondents saying they currently use them in debt deals and another 17% considering it.…
March 27, 2024

A Shared Vision for Diverse-Owned Firms: Verizon and Amazon

Treasury leaders at the two companies urge peers to aim high in providing meaningful opportunities to diversity firms. In the last several years, treasury team leaders at NeuGroup member companies Verizon and Amazon have stood out for their determination to provide meaningful opportunities and fee income in capital markets transactions to banks and brokerage firms with women, Black, Latino and veteran owners. These members have also been outspoken about how their actions in this sphere of influence align with wider corporate goals. A recent…
BankingCapital MarketsD&I
February 21, 2024

Shifting Tides: The Role of DEI Firms in Capital Markets

New NeuGroup Peer Research shows DEI firms enjoy support among corporates but face headwinds in the current ESG climate. A new NeuGroup survey reveals that 66% of corporate treasuries include diverse-owned firms in their capital markets deals, including bond underwriting, commercial paper (CP) and open market repurchase (OMR) programs. The survey, conducted in collaboration with Sustainable Fitch and the National Association of Securities Professionals (NASP) in December 2023, explored the level of engagement between treasury and diverse-owned firms.Shifting winds. NeuGroup members who responded to the survey cited…
D&IInvestment Management
April 6, 2023

Driving Diversity: A Company’s DEI Scorecard for Asset Managers

One corporate uses data on firms’ racial and gender representation relative to the US Census and their peers. A dearth of minority-owned firms that manage fixed-income assets—and a desire to hold all its asset managers accountable on diversity initiatives and metrics—led the treasury team at one NeuGroup member company with a large cash balance to develop a scorecard for diversity, equity and inclusion. The company’s treasurer shared it with peers at a recent meeting of NeuGroup for Mega-Cap Treasurers. The treasury team’s asset…
D&ISenior ExecutiveThe NeuGroup Insights Interview
March 30, 2023

She Told the CFO She Wanted To Be Treasurer One Day. Now She Is.

Advice on advocating for yourself from Sandra Ramos-Alves, treasurer of Bristol Myers Squibb.Sandra Ramos-Alves was an assistant treasurer at Celgene when Bristol Myers Squibb bought it in 2019. By June of 2021, she was acting treasurer of BMS. And in October of that year she was named senior vice president and treasurer of the pharmaceutical giant that had acquired the company where she had worked for more than 14 years. In a Strategic Finance Lab podcast episode you can hear by…
D&IInvestment Management
February 9, 2023

Investing in Diversity: D&I Performance Metrics in Action

A NeuGroup survey shows treasury prioritizes risk management and performance against a benchmark when evaluating diverse-owned firms.Eighty-six percent of respondents to NeuGroup’s D&I Financing and Asset Management Survey do not have a formal D&I policy, but 54% work within informal guidelines. Regardless of approach, the overall investment policy requires that treasury apply performance metrics when it selects external managers for investment of cash and evaluates their success over time. The survey reveals treasury applies the same performance measures to diverse-owned investment…
Capital MarketsD&IInvestment Management
February 2, 2023

Reaching Out: Treasury Leads Engagement With Diverse-owned Firms

NeuGroup research reveals treasury is the primary driver of greater engagement with minority-owned banks, brokers and asset managers.  As chief procurer of financial services, treasury is at the epicenter of a complex ecosystem of financial partners, from banks to brokers to pension and cash investment managers. According to NeuGroup’s D&I Financing and Asset Management Survey, treasury is not only seeking greater engagement with minority-owned firms but is the driving force behind companies’ efforts to build more expansive financial relationships with these…
January 5, 2023

Not Yet in Writing: Most Treasuries Do Not Have a Formal D&I Policy

D&I financing and investing activities at many companies are governed by informal guidelines. New NeuGroup research reveals that 86% of treasuries do not have a formal policy to govern engagement with diversity firms, but a majority (54%) work within informal guidelines. NeuGroup conducted the November 2022 survey in partnership with the National Association of Securities Professionals (NASP), Fitch Ratings and Sustainable Fitch. The responses came from members of NeuGroup for Cash Investment Managers, Pension Managers, Capital Markets and our extensive D&I working group. Doing more,…
D&INeuGroup ViewpointTechnology
December 21, 2022

Bringing the Future of Finance Forward: Reflections on 2022

Key finance themes from 2022 include AI, digital assets, diversity and the role of humans in setting lines of defense.By Joseph NeuHere are six topics that drew my attention this year, all of which bring the future of treasury and finance forward. Diversity and inclusion in finance. It was telling that with everything going on in the world, members of NeuGroup for Mega-Cap Treasurers were most animated at their H2 meeting speaking about efforts promoting greater diversity and inclusion at their financial services…
Capital MarketsD&I
September 8, 2022

Supporting Diversity Firms: Verizon, Morgan Stanley, Wellington

Influential issuers, banks and investors are pushing to give diversity brokerage firms more meaningful opportunities: NeuGroup’s Strategic Finance Lab podcast, episode 7.In a Strategic Finance Lab podcast you can hear by heading to Apple or Spotify or by hitting the play button at the bottom of this page, NeuGroup founder and CEO Joseph Neu leads a panel discussion on the roles corporate debt issuers, investment banks and investors can play in providing more meaningful economics and opportunity to banks and brokerage firms owned by Black people, Hispanics, women and members…